· about. A hired gun falls for the one woman who's completely wrong for him in this Western romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lorraine Heath. Chance Wilder never wanted to be a hero. A road-weary gunslinger with a ruthless reputation, he focuses only on his next target—and his next payday. A version of this work originally appeared in the print anthology To Tame a Texan, under the title "Long Stretch of Lonesome."A hired gun falls for the one woman who's completely wrong for him in this Western romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lorraine www.doorway.ru Wilder. · The Gunslinger by Lorraine Heath is my kind of gritty, unpredictable western. Ms. Heath has a way of weaving such great stories into well learned life lessons. Chase Wilder a hired gun comes to the aid of a little boy who's sister is being beaten up by 5 ruthless men. What he offers the gunslinger is everything he owns, to save his sister/5.
A hired gun falls for the one woman who's completely wrong for him in this Western romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lorraine Heath. Chance Wilder never wanted to be a hero. A road-weary gunslinger with a ruthless reputation, he focuses only on his next target—and his next payday. FanReads Lorraine Heath FULL AudiobookEnjoy FREE Lorraine Heath Audiobooks for 30 days using this links: Texas Destiny: www.doorway.ru Glory: h. The Gunslinger. by Lorraine Heath. Thanks for Sharing! You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. 1. Ratings. by on November 6, OK, close Write your review. eBook Details. Avon Impulse.
Read “The Gunslinger”, by Lorraine Heath online on Bookmate – A version of this work originally appeared in the print anthology To Tame a Texan, under the title «Long Stretch of Lonesome.»A hired gun . Overview. A hired gun falls for the one woman who's completely wrong for him in this Western romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lorraine Heath. Chance Wilder never wanted to be a hero. A road-weary gunslinger with a ruthless reputation, he focuses only on his next target—and his next payday. A version of this work originally appeared in the print anthology To Tame a Texan, under the title "Long Stretch of Lonesome."A hired gun falls for the one woman who's completely wrong for him in this Western romance from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lorraine www.doorway.ru Wilder.